Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What are you excited about?

So, one post then a two month hiatus? Didn't wait too long until you gave up on it huh?

Fuck off. I have about five minutes of free time a day. Posts will come as they come.

Okay then, dick, what are you excited about this week?

Well believe it or not I'm kind of excited for the Super Bowl.

I don't give a shit about the game itself or watching a group of giant men run into each other. No, I'm psyched for the commercials. None more so than the promos for the upcoming Transformers movie.

Today geeks across the fandom were treated to one of the three spots, two of which will really be Chevy ads with cross-promotion, the other of which will be a full trailer for the movie.

Yeah but didn't the last movie suck?

Touche. I mean, I always enjoy watching them, if for nothing else than to see giant robots killing one another. That's pretty sweet. But God damn if Michael Bay isn't trying so hard to make me hate them.

Then why watch?

Because I actually like the look and style of the movie's Transformers, a statement that could get me banned from select Circles. I'm not saying everyone looked awesome; you only need to look at the design for the "Twins" to counteract that sentiment. I liked how alien they looked. As much as I love the original designs, it really doesn't make sense for a race of intelligent robots from half-way across the universe to look like humans in metal suits. The "Bayformers" (a little nerd lingo for your ass) really look as alive as a race of robots could. When they move, you can see various metal plates and screws and wires shift like any animal's muscle. They have a weight to them, and they impact their surroundings like something that big and heavy should.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What is "questions no one asked?"

What is "questions no one asked?"

Questions no one asked is a blog I created as an excuse to write about whatever I feel like at any given time. Every post begins with a question I ask myself, which I then answer. Sometimes I post response questions which I then also answer. It's that simple.

Is the concept a little narcissistic?

You bet your ass it is.

What do you plan to gain from starting this?

Fame, notoriety, and lots and lots of money. But in a more realistic sense, the blog will give me a chance to write through whatever questions are hanging on my mind at any given moment.

I've been trying to start a blog I could consistently update for a while now. The truth is, though, that my brain's deficit of attention is is constantly pulling it in a million directions. I want to know and comment on everything at once.

I decided this could be a constructive way to harness that energy. That's why I'll be trying my best to keep this blog as unspecified as possible. Topics could range from my opinion on toast (delicious) to why I think members of the Tea Party are insane.

Is it really that novel of a concept?

Probably not. I think most people who pick up a pen or keyboard and spill their thoughts are just answering their own questions too. The only difference in what I plan on doing is that I'm being more straight-forward about it and posting all my questions along with the work.

Now that you've started this, are you going to quit on it after three posts like you have every other blog you've ever started?

Now that's a question I can't answer just yet.